Communications Disclaimer


This disclaimer applies to communications made by Black & White Bridging, which is a trading name of Bath and West Finance Bridging Limited (12339728), Bath and West Finance limited (07673439) and their associated companies (a list of which is available on our website) incorporated in England and Wales, Bury Manor Offices, Woodcroft Lane, Wick, Bristol BS30 5SH.

Types of communications

This disclaimer covers (but is not limited to) the following types of communication:
  • Letters
  • Emails
  • Texts
  • Instant messages
  • Voice calls and voicemail
  • Video calls/meetings
  • Websites and portals
  • Apps (whether ours or third-party)
  • Attachments to any of the above


Communications we send are confidential and solely for use by the addressee(s) only. The contents of communications may not be disclosed or shared with anyone who is not
a named or authorised recipient.

If communications are received by anyone other than the addressee, please return the communication to the sender by replying to it and then delete the communication and
its contents from your device(s). In this event, do not use, copy or disclose the information contained in any communication.


Certain forms of communication are not always secure, including email and video/virtual meetings.

We make every effort to use reputable companies for managing our communications, including companies such as Microsoft and Zoom.

We do not accept responsibility or liability for changes made to communications after they have been sent, for example if they have been unlawfully intercepted and the
contents altered.

We do not accept responsibility or liability for any breach of security as a result of unauthorised access to video/virtual meetings.


Whilst we take reasonable care to avoid the transmission of viruses through communications, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that the opening, use or onward transmission of communications and any attachments will not adversely affect their systems or data of their device(s).

We accept no responsibility in this regard, and the recipient should carry out such virus and other checks as they consider appropriate.

View of employees and agents

The views and opinions conveyed by employees or agents of the company are not necessarily the views and opinions of the company.

Our employees are bound by a code of conduct; therefore the company will not accept liability where an employee has breached this code.

Employees are responsible for the content of their emails and any liability that arises as a result.

Changes to this policy

We may update this disclaimer from time to time. To ensure that you are always up to date on these terms, please check our website regularly at