Cookie Policy


This policy will explain what ‘cookies’ are and how we use them. Our website terms of use and privacy policy will provide more information on who operates the website and how we managed your data.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a piece of data that a website transfers to the internet browser on your computer’s hard disk, which lets the website remember who you are. It will usually contain a unique, randomly generated, number that does not personally identify you.

Session cookies stay in your browser only until you close it. Persistent cookies stay in your browser for longer. How long depends on the lifetime of the relevant cookie.

Most websites will employ cookies for this purpose. They cannot be used by themselves to identify you, and we will not attempt to use them for this purpose.

When you first use our website, you will have the option to choose which cookies you would like to use. After this, you may disable cookies by changing the settings on your

For more information about cookies and manging them, visit

What cookies we use

We use session cookies to allow you to carry information across pages and avoid you having to retype it.

We use persistent cookies so we can recognise your unique number (but not identify you further) when you return to our website to arrange or edit or personalise our content to best match your requirements.

Third parties, such as search engines, may also serve cookies through this website. They may be used to put together statistics to help understand how people use the site, or to
check whether and how often particular content is being viewed.

These are the main cookies that we use. All of these cookies are google analytics tags.

 Name Description 
 _gid  This cookie is responsible for tracking user behaviour. It expires after 24 hours of inactivity.
 _ga  This cookie is used to identify unique users and it expires after 2 years.
 _gat_gtag  Used to analysis visitor browsing habits, flow, source and other information. Expires immediately

Changes to this policy

We may update this policy from time to time. To ensure that you are always up to date, please check our website regularly at