Interview with Heather Hancock

Our Marketing & Communications Manager, Bret Jackson, has sat down with one of our Lending Managers, Heather Hancock. Heather has been with the business for nearly two years, so this seemed like the perfect time to sit down with her and discover a bit more about what makes her tick.

Tell me how you got into the world of Financial Services and why Lending?
I have been in the Financial Services sector for ten years, eight of which have been in property lending. I started life in an admin role at NatWest Private Banking, but quickly moved into customer focussed roles, where I discovered I had a real passion for helping people. I think this is one of the traits that has led me to where I am now. Still to this day, I get an amazing feeling when a completion happens, knowing how I have been a major part of this happening.

So why move to B&W?
Bridging and Development is a unique part of the lending market. No two deals are the same and each have their intricacies that make it so special. I’d already spoken with Martyn, but once I met Damien and got a feel for his own passion and ambitions for the business, I really wanted to be a part of it. When he offered me the role, I was so excited. He knows this sector exceptionally well and I suppose has been a bit of a mentor for me, but we will not tell him that.

What is a typical day like at B&W
The office environment is amazing. The combination of banter and hard work is like nowhere I have worked previously. I suppose it is a bit of a cliché to say something like this, but it truly is. Just like with no two deals being the same, no two days are the same in the office. People take in turns to cook, everyone makes a round of drinks, including the bosses, and everyone helps one another. It is fantastic and I enjoy coming to work.

Do you have any ambitions within B&W?
I have already stated my passion is helping people. I would love to continue this further by diversifying into Human Resources (HR). Damien was very supportive in this, and the business has sponsored me to complete my Associate Diploma in Human Resources. As the company grows, then this will assist them in this capacity, but I will not be letting go of lending anytime soon.

HR? A little different to Lending?
Not really, they both have the same goal of helping people. For a small company, Black & White has real mix of gender, young and experienced individuals and that will continue as the company grows. I want to assist in this growth and help people, therefore this seems to be a great route to take. I’d like to think that I’ve had an impact on the culture we have here, and it would be great to maintain that as we grow and recruit new people.

So, what do you like to do when not helping clients and brokers?
I love spending time with family and friends, long muddy walks with my dog, Bailey, named after my favourite drink. I enjoy good food, both cooking and eating out and most recently, the rejuvenation of my chosen football team, Newcastle United.

Newcastle United? Could you not just leave black and white at the office?
Very funny, but this can only be a good thing for the bosses to read surely?

Finally, what is an interesting fact or amusing story you can share?
I often get mocked for my knowledge of all thing’s car related. I have a rather fanatical love of cars and has led to a few nicknames in the office, but this is only down to jealousy that I know more than the men.

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