Real People Vs. Top Tech

How much should we rely on technology to navigate the lending process? We all accept that it has an important role to play in our businesses, but how much time have you invested to be able to integrate as much as possible with the lenders and other service providers such as conveyancers and valuers?

Clearly, there are still bottlenecks in the process and it begs the question, is the broker to blame? Is it the lender? Or are lenders simply overengineering a process that should less tech and more talk…

What would you prefer? Should lenders use more or less tech, should they also provide better links to the supporting services they use most often? Would that provide a measurable improvement?

At Black & White, whether our introducers are fully technology-based or not, we provide an equally great service. We are always seeking ways to simplify our processes so that the client journey is as smooth as possible, we have a number of technological advances that we will launch very soon. We believe that there must be a balance between relying too much on technology at the expense of human interaction and we believe we have found the sweet spot to make your bridging experience the best that it can be.

We rarely, if ever, miss funding deadlines and the reasons are simple.

  • Certainty – We give decisions quickly and stick by them
  • Transparency – There are no grey areas in our criteria, it does what it says on the tin
  • Communication – We stay in touch until the case completes
  • Process – You deal with the same lending manager all the time


In short, we cater for every broker, be they hands off or hands on, because we believe that simplicity and transparency yield great results for you, our introducers, regardless of their level of technological sophistication!

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