Sophie Organ Interview

Seven years I believe you have been here, you must enjoy it?

I really do, the people are great. The office moral is always upbeat and we are always having a laugh. They have supported me throughout, especially when I changed from full to part time, after I had my second child, so I am forever grateful for everything they have done.

 That is amazing. Have you always been in accounts?

My job title here has always been accounts, but like others, the work I have conducted over the 7 years here has varied. It just seems to be the norm here, everyone helps when and where required, but all part of a growing business I suppose. Before working here, I worked in credit control, so another side of accounts, which has come in handy.

What is it you enjoy about your role, isn’t accounting dull?

There is a stigma that accounts is dull, and admittedly I never thought this was the career I would be taking. It’s something I’ve naturally fallen in to, and very pleased I have. My life is 100 miles an hour with constant challenges and surprises, so I like routine when I come to work. I know what needs to be done and in the timescales, they should be completed. When I do face a challenge, I like the satisfaction of achieving this. I certainly don’t think accounts is dull.

 Do you have any future ambitions within B&W? 

I’m currently studying AAT which B&W have supported me with. This went on hold when I had my first child but is something I plan to continue.

What do you like to do when not crunching numbers for B&W? 

I love spending time with my friends and family, going on holiday, going for nice places to eat and drink. Taking the children on days out and the occasional spa day, when I get the opportunity to have some me time. I am also partial to a little dance, even on tables at the work Christmas party, but will not be appearing on strictly anytime soon.

Tell me an interesting fact about yourself, that others may not know?

Maths was the subject I disliked most at school…. Thank goodness for calculators haha. I honestly believe it’s the reason for lasting so long in this role, as I feel I’ve bettered myself and have conquered something I felt uncomfortable with. Amazing how things change in life.

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