The three S’s in motion…

We champion the three S’s at Black & White Bridging: structure, speed & service.


How we aim to deliver on these key aspects of our ethos is different for every loan and every borrower. For example, a recent bridging deal that we completed for our client, was found through a disgruntled social media post from the broker who was venting his frustration at how his client had been dealt with. Black & White Bridging acted with speed, sourcing the lead but then also engaging with the internal relationship team to reach out to the broker. Our Commercial Director Damien was then able to structure a plan for the client that negated the issue, and utilising technology to win the deal with an AVM, meant that Black & White Bridging could provide first class service to complete the loan.


Another very recent deal where the three S’s were in motion was a refurbishment bridge for our client in Buxton on an extremely complex property. The project consisted of two semi-commercial properties with commercial tenants, residential tenants in one flat, and two other units being refurbished to provide further residential flats to the top floors. Not many lenders could structure a deal that would work with all the different aspects of this property. Black & White Bridging’s speed got this project over the line, as the client experienced many delays from the legal aspects of the case and without this level of service, the deal may not have happened.


Lots can always talk about their USPS, but how many can prove it? We can, and they are usually evident in every deal that we do. We have now written over £118m in loans across 282 loans, and our average turnaround time is currently 36 days, so if you need a bridging lender that you can completely rely on, get in touch with Black & White Bridging:

0117 937 4333


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