Welcome Danny Power

Black & White Bridging has announced the appointment of renowned bridging professional, Danny Power as Business Development Director reporting to Director of Intermediaries, Adam Tyler.


Danny has been responsible for taking the bridging message to brokers over many years and has been an intrinsic part of the success of a number of bridging start ups that went on to become household names, (including Mint Bridging and Hope Capital?).


Adam Tyler commented, “ We are delighted to welcome Danny to Black & White, where his expertise will be a huge asset in helping us broaden our introducer base. I have known Danny for many years and he is one of the most recognisable faces from the bridging market to brokers up and down the country. He possesses a wealth of accumulated experience and knowledge as well as an enviably large address book of intermediaries with whom he has developed strong professional and personal relationships.”


Danny said, “Joining Black & White Bridging is like coming home. Apart from working with old friends like Adam Tyler, I was particularly drawn to the principles of transparency and fast decisioning on which Black & White Bridging is building its reputation. I look forward to taking our bridging proposition to my intermediary connections and help propel Black & White into the Premier League of bridging lenders.”

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